The Zen Palm Grove Nurseries - Saumur (49) - France

The Zen Palm Grove Nurseries Saumur - Maine-et-Loire (49) - Pays-de-la-Loire

The Zen Palm Grove Nurseries : Since 2004, we are growing palm trees in Saumur, and also a large range of other mediterranean plants, from small seedlings to grown plants: cold resistant laurels, phormiums, bamboos, cacti, succulents, citrus trees...!
Our cultures are grown in the open and in glass houses. We carefully select varieties that are adapted or can adapt to cold climates. We are also equipped for the production of very large series.
As true experts of mediterranean plant production, we are most of all passionate about the beauty and the individual character of these plants.
We give beforehand advice for the choice of your varieties, depending on several criteria: style, temperature, maintenance and requirements. Created in : 2004
Surface : 4 hectares
Specialties : citrus fruit plantations ; tree and bushes ; bamboos ; cactus ; gramineae ; plants for the shade ; mediterranean plants
Collections : Palm tree


Sales types :

  • mail order selling (VPC)
  • sale on site (VSP)
  • by appointment (RDV)
  • Drive Sale (VPD)
  • Sale to professionals only
  • Selling to private persons
  • Selling to professionals

  • Opening

    Open to professionals and private clients, only by appointment.

  • Access :
    GPS (Lat x Long) : 47.270138000, -0.061720000